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Lenticulars Taking Over America
Lenticulars Taking Over America
Lenticular images have grown in popularity (and gone way down in price) in the last year or so. Utilizing 2 or more images, their appearance changes as the angle of your viewing is changing. They can be as simple as a building expansion showing the original building and the new building, or as complex as a golfer swinging a putter and following the ball all the way into the hole. They continue to fascinate for years.
- Flips: flips cause colors, images or letters to vanish and then reappear. Flips are highly effective in communicating before-and-after messages or cause-and-effect relationships.
- Morphing: two or more images change into each other. This is especially good effect for the products that come in a variety of shapes, styles or colors, or for products that change or cause changes.
- Animation: a series of photos used together create the illusion of animated images, similar to what is seen in a video or movie clip. Animation works well in illustrating body or mechanical movement.
- 3D: A number of objects are rendered in perspective to give you the illusion of seeing multiple layers of depth. 3D works well with any facet of design you might have. 3D reveals great eye-catching graphics.